Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Physics House Band - Horizon / Rapture (2013)

Horizon / Rapture is the debut album of the trio Physics House Band, an experimental/progresive band from England. In this instrumental work, the musicians play a mix of FX-heavy guitars riffs, catchy bass lines, and powerful drum kicks wich often leads the group. I also have to mention that both the guitar and bass players are in charge of playing the synths too, often forcing themselves to play each instrument with only one hand, which can be seen in the video footage of this album (highly recomended, too!)

This album's tracks will get the listener through a series of fast rhythm changes, unexpected melodic turns in every song, and beautifull synth arrangements, setting a particular, clear and defined style all through only six tracks. All in all, a great release (even more for a debut album), that got me hooked up as soon as I listened it. I advise that people into experimental and prog rock give this a listen, since I'm sure almost noone will regret it.

The Physics House Band - Horizon / Rapture Tracklist:

1. ObeliskMonolith - 05:12
2. Abraxical Solapse - 04:19
3. Hollow Mountain - 03:47
4. Teratology - 06:25
5. The Spectral Beyond - 01:32
6. Titan - 03:06

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